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My name is Dušan Štígel and I am 56 years old. Today, I published a short article about my concept of the Integrated Information Society IIS to get feedback on my email and spark a discussion on a blog that is about this topic and on my icq portal, where groups of contributors have been created for this discussion. : IIS Fund candidates group, IIS Fund members group and IIS experts group. I first named this concept in 1982. In 1991 I left VŠDS in Žilina to continue study in UK in this field with goal to study and create my alternative concept of IIS. Immigration officers imprisoned me on my explanation of the Integrated Information Society as field of my study when I arrived in Dover UK and they returned me with handcuffs to hands of france police in Calais. My complaints in Strasbourg about two days to the Ambassador of UK to the Council of Europe did not help either. Even Václav Havel did not respond to my 3-page contribution to this concept of IIS. Currently, I have about 40 members since 1995 who have supported me, but today I cannot count with a contribution of them to the development of IIS. Today, I can finance my concept on my own from the modest resources of my company IS-COMM. Currently I am searching for a blogs, where can those interested express their opinions and regularly contribute to the establishment, development and improvement of the IIS Fund. I need to regularly supplement the concept on this topic with my contributions and contributions from an other experts, to clarify concept of IIS in wikipedia and professional sources, publish it in English and integrate globally interested people and experts in this issue. The goal is also to push google to know the term “IIS” and related terms as not just Microsoft Internet Information Services, but also as Dusan Stigel concept of real community living alternative with real ownership and investments to its development. That is a task, to get Google to respect the newly introduced keywords and allow interested parties to find the necessary links to develop this content. My company IS-COMM links and products is already a bit searchable on google, which I am working on myself as the owner of a small company for the last two months. IIS is not a company, but another socio-economic alternative form of community for which I am looking for other investors than for my small business activities. In Slovakia, you cannot financially associate applicants according to the IIS principles, as association in the form of joint-stock companies, or cooperatives does not comply with this concept. The state has not prepared the appropriate legal mechanisms and conditions for such a process. On the contrary, it criminalizes the systems of pooling the resources on which all the concepts and subjects that contributed to the development of Martin after 1918 were founded: Tatrabanka, Martin brewery , Tatrachair factory, Mother of Slovakia(Matica Slovenská) and many others. Today, you have to pay 20% of the citizens‘ collections to these govenment scroungers, because they include pooling money to your incomes. If someone from abroad intends to support you, they will block your payment for counter-terrorism reasons. Until you send a fat burn somewhere. Public discussion can push the state to not break the new form of community cooperation for community profit. I have been preparing to be an expert in this field myself. I’m only interested in blogs where anyone can add their content for free. I don’t have my blog yet. Even if I had it, its traffic would certainly be flimsy without the introduction of google key IIS terminology. In the near future, I want to read the reactions of the public to my topic in well-established blogs and respond, if necessary, to the contributions of participants in discussions on these topics. I will address the links to the links of those who have something to say in my own blog post. I’m adding some links to my website.

V tomto súbore je zhrnutie vo forme tématickej mapy linkov ku všetkým podstatným príspevkom na mojom portáli IIS kandidáti do 19.03.2022.


Prosím Vás publikujte tento link v rámci svojich komentárov. Mne už to mesiac blok pravda zaraďuje len na koniec. Kto o mne nevie ani možnosť dozvedieť sa nedostáva. Cenzúra Pravdy ma odsunula do neviditeľnosti mojich nových príspevkov.


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Štatistiky blogu

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Celková čítanosť: 23467x
Priemerná čítanosť článkov: 1235x

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